The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition
December 15-18, 2005
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Determining the role of ethylene in the development of tomato irregular ripening disorder using microarray technology and rt-real time PCR

C. L. McKenzie, CMcKenzie@ushrl.ars.usda.gov1, Robert G. Shatters, rshatters@ushrl.ars.usda.gov1, J. P. Albano1, X. H. Sinisterra2, and Charles A. Powell2. (1) USDA-ARS, U. S. Horticultural Research Laboratory, 2001 South Rock Road, Fort Pierce, FL, (2) University of Florida, IFAS, Indian River Research and Education Center, Fort Pierce, FL

In order to determine the underlying causes of tomato irregular ripening disorder associated with whitefly feeding, microarray hybridization analysis followed by reverse transcription real time PCR validation were used to determine gene regulation in young and old leaf tissue, stems, flowers, roots, and fruits. Based on sequence similarity analysis we determined that selected genes were likely to be involved in ethylene production. Results will be presented and ethylene’s role in the development of tomato irregular ripening disorder will be discussed.

Species 1: Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Bemisia tabaci (Sweetpotato whitefly)
Species 2: Hemiptera Aleyrodidae Bemisia argentifolii (silverleaf whitefly)
Keywords: tomato irregular ripening, rt-real time PCR