Lora Morandin, lmorandi@sfu.ca1, Virginia Abbott, vabbott@sfu.ca1, Michelle Franklin, franklin@zoology.ubc.ca2, and Mark Winston, winston@sfu.ca1. (1) Simon Fraser University, Biological Sciences, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, Canada, (2) University of British Columbia, 2329 West Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Bees are important pollinators for agroecosystems. Due to a decline in the availability of honey bees, many growers are now looking to wild bees to pollinate their crops. However due to land clearance and intense agricultural practices, potential wild bee habitat is disappearing. To quantify these effects, we assessed wild bee abundance and diversity in canola fields adjacent to either tilled fields or semi-natural pastureland in southern Alberta, Canada. Habitats were assessed within 800m immediately surrounding fields and their impact on bee diversity and abundance was determined.
Species 1: Hymenoptera Apidae
Bombus spSpecies 2: Hymenoptera Halictidae
Lasioglossum sppKeywords: habitat, agriculture
Recorded presentation