Tanja McKay, tmckay@astate.edu1, Carolyn B. Dowling, cdowling@astate.edu2, Benjamin Rougeau2, Keisha M. Williams3, J. Wes Klasky1, J. Slade Wright1, and Kate Vanderpuye4. (1) Arkansas State University, Department of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 599, State University, AR, (2) Arkansas State University, Department of Chemistry and Physics, P.O. Box 419, State University, AR, (3) Xavier University of Louisiana, Department of Biology, Drexel Drive, Box 85B, New Orleans, LA, (4) Morgan State University, Department of Biology, 1700 E. Coldspring Lane, Baltimore, MD
Poultry litter is used as fertilizer in agricultural fields due to its high nutrient content. Research indicates that field applied poultry litter contributes to contamination of the environment with heavy metals, which may lead to the degradation of soil and water resources over time. The buildup of these toxic metals in the environment may also bioaccumulate and affect arthropods. The objectives of this study are to examine the impact of poultry litter on ground-dwelling arthropod populations, and determine the extent heavy metals bioaccumulate in these organisms.
Keywords: Poultry litter, Arthropod populations
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