Juan F. Luna-Salas, jluna@uat.edu.mx and Oswaldo Pinson-Domínguez, jluna@uat.edu.mx. Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, UAM Agronomía y Ciencias, Centro Universitario, Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Samplings done in early July 2004, in four orchards (Lolita, Los Nogales, La Chaca y La Florida) in bored pecan fruits in Jaumave, Tamaulipas, México, had as result the detection oftwo borers, the pecan nut casebearer Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig and the hickory shuckworm Cydia caryana (Fitch).
Five parasitoids were found: Ichneumonidae (Calliephialtes grapholithae) (Cresson), Braconidae (Phanerotoma sp.), Eupelmidae (Eupelmus sp.), Bethylidae (subfamily Bethylinae) and one Eulophidae (species), the maximum parasitism was 30%.
The early damage was done by Acrobasis nuxvorella, following by Cydia caryana, finaly both borers were present damaging the fruits befote the fruit detachment.
Species 1: Lepidoptera Tortricidae
Cydia caryana (Hickory shuckworm)
Species 2: Lepidoptera Crambidae
Acrobasis nuxvorella (Pecan nut casebearer)
Keywords: pecan nut borers, nenemies