Alexandre V. Latchininsky, and Scott P. Schell, University of Wyoming, Renewable Resources, 1000 E. University Ave, Depr. 3354, Laramie, WY
Reduced Agent/Area Treatments (RAATs) is an IPM strategy for rangeland grasshoppers in which the rate of insecticide is reduced from traditional levels, and untreated swaths are alternated with treated swaths. ATV-RAAT application was implemented on replicated, 20-acre plots of northern mixed-grass prairie in Wyoming. The insect growth regulator diflubenzuron (Dimilin® 2L) was used at a dose rate of 1 oz. a.i. per acre. Pre-treatment grasshopper densities ranged from 17.5 to 33.5 per m2. Grasshopper communities were dominated by second and third instar nymphs of Aulocara elliotti, Ageneotettix deorum and Melanoplus spp. Insecticide was applied in 20-ft swaths in 50, 33 and 20% coverage. 50% coverage yielded 83% of corrected mortality 21 d after application. 33% coverage resulted in 78% of mortality, while 20% coverage yielded 62% of mortality. The 33% coverage generated the best compromise for sufficient control and acceptable costs. Two different rates of kairomonal attractants (mineral and vegetable oils) were added to Dimilin® 2L. The insecticide was applied at a dose rate of 1 oz. of a.i. per ha in a 33% coverage. The adjuvant combinations included 1) 8 oz/ac of crop oil concentrate, and 2) 2 oz/ac of crop oil concentrate and 6 oz/ac of canola oil. Without adjuvants, Dimilin® 2L application yielded 69% control 21 d post-treatment. Addition of crop oil concentrate increased the control to 83%, and a combination of canola oil and crop oil concentrate resulted in 89% control. Attractant and phagostimulant properties of oils allow to enhance the insecticide effectiveness.
Species 1: Orthoptera Acrididae
Aulocara elliotti (Bigheaded grasshopper)
Species 2: Orthoptera Acrididae
Ageneotettix deorum (Whitewhiskered grasshopper)
Species 3: Orthoptera Acrididae
Melanoplus spKeywords: Grasshopper, Management