The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition
December 15-18, 2005
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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Friday, December 16, 2005 - 3:18 PM

Suggestions for mass rearing predators of hemlock woolly adelgid

Hugh E Conway,, Cora Allard M,, LayLa W. Burgess,, and Joseph D. Culin, Clemson University, Dept. of Entomology, Soils and Plant Science, Long Hall, Clemson, SC

This presentation provides insights to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of mass rearing the hemlock woolly adelgid biological control agents Sasajiscymnus tsugae and Laricobius nigrinus.

Species 1: Hemiptera Adelgidae Adelges tsugae (Hemlock woolly adelgid)
Species 2: Coleoptera Coccinellidae Sasajiscymnus tsugae
Species 3: Coleoptera Derodontidae Laricobius nigrinus
Keywords: biological control, mass rearing

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