The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition
December 15-18, 2005
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Pest Ants of Louisiana: a Guide to Their Identification, Biology, and Control

Shawn T. Dash, sdash1@lsu.edu1, Linda Hooper-Bùi, lhooper@agctr.lsu.edu1, Michael A. Seymour, mseymour@agctr.lsu.edu1, and Barbara R. Corns2. (1) Louisiana State University, Entomology, 404 Life Science Building, Baton Rouge, LA, (2) Louisiana State University, AgCenter Communications, 103B Knapp Hall, P.O. Box 25100, Baton Rouge, LA

Written with taxonomists, biologists, and pest management professionals in mind, Louisiana State University AgCenter’s The Pest Ants of Louisiana: a Guide to Their Identification, Biology, and Control is a must have for all interested in the Formicidae of Louisiana. All common pest ants known to occur in Louisiana, a total of fifteen species or genera, are included in this reference. A taxonomic key to genus and species is included, and each genus or species has its own account. Species accounts include identifying characteristics, a quick diagnosis for identification, separation from similar species, notes on biology and behavior, methods of control or management, and a color photograph of the species. In addition, full color diagrams, a glossary, and the elimination of jargon should make the book user-friendly to the neophyte. From a comprehensive Introduction to Ant Mimics, the book is a cover-to-cover, fact-filled primer to Louisiana’s common ants.

Species 1: Hymenoptera Formicidae Solenopsis invicta (red imported fire ant)
Species 2: Hymenoptera Formicidae Linepithema humile (Argentine ant)
Keywords: field guide, management