Lisa Franzen, lfranzen@unlserve.unl.edu1, Andrea Gutsche, thengmoss2@unl.edu2, Tiffany Heng-Moss, thengmoss2@unl.edu1, Leon G. Higley, lhigley1@unl.edu3, and Gautam Sarath, gsarath1@unl.edu1. (1) University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Entomology, Lincoln, NE, (2) University of Nebraska, Entomology, 202 Plant Industry, Lincoln, NE, (3) University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Entomology, 202 Plant Industry Bldg, Lincoln, NE
Text Not Available.
Species 1: Hemiptera Aphididae
Diuraphis noxia (Russian Wheat Aphid)
Species 2: Hemiptera Aphididae
Rhopalosiphum padi (Bird Cherry-Oat Aphid)
Keywords: Photosynthesis, Non-Structural Carbohydrates