Jessica Marie Green,, Mesa State College, 2426 Red Ranch Dr, Grand Junction, CO
From kinky Chrysomelids to those sexy Scarabaeidae, beetle mating rituals are often quite complex. My study focuses on the behavioral and chemical signals that are involved in attracting a mate. Two species are compared and described. Chrysomelid behavior was observed on location in Equador, South America. It was found that mate guarding occurs, and that location is very specific. The Japanese Beetle was studied as part of a mass trapping control effort. An artificial pheremone was used to lure male beetles - (data forthcoming). Both species are voracious agricultural pests, and insight may be helpful in reducing crop damage.
Species 1: Coleoptera Scarabaeidae
Popillia japonica (Japanese Beetle)
Species 2: Coleoptera Chrysomelidae
Keywords: Mate guarding, Pheremone