Abraham Addo-Bediako, aabediako@hotmail.com1, Berhanu Tameru, tameru@tuskegee.edu2, Louis Jackai, ljackai@tuskegee.edu1, and Conrad Bonsi, Cobonsi@tuskegee.edu1. (1) Tuskegee University, Dept. of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, CAENS, Tuskegee, AL, (2) Tuskegee University, Center for Computational Epidemiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Tuskegee, AL
The risk associated with introduction of sweetpotato weevil, Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers), from infested areas to non-infested areas via shipment of sweetpotato roots within the southern United States was assessed. The risk assessment relied on literature and expert information to determine appropriate parameters. Using computational model, Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to estimate the likelihood of its introduction. Risk management options were incorporated and the risk analyses were performed to assess how the risk is reduced via these practices. The study found the risk of introduction of the weevil through commercial shipping to be very low (less than 0.002%) when mitigation measures such as pre-harvest, post-harvest, and point of entry inspections were applied. Sensitivity analysis was performed to assess model stability and the impact of parameter changes. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the most critical input that could lead to the weevil introduction is shipment of sweetpotatoes from areas without any mitigation, and had a significant impact of about 85% upon the output. Thus, maintaining and monitoring mitigations effectively will significantly reduce the risk of introduction.
Species 1: Coleoptera Curculionidae
Cylas formicarius (Sweetpotato Weevil)
Keywords: Risk Assessment
Recorded presentation