The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition
December 15-18, 2005
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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Friday, December 16, 2005

Direct and indirect benefits of a selective insect control program for grape berry moth, Endopiza viteana, in Michigan vineyards

Paul E. Jenkins, and Rufus Isaacs, Michigan State University, Department of Entomology, 202 CIPS, East Lansing, MI

The grape berry moth, Endopiza viteana Clemens (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a primary insect pest of vineyards in eastern N. America, where it causes significant economic loss. There are three or more generations per season, and late-season infestation of clusters has caused rejection of fruit and increased rot diseases. In replicated vineyard-scale trials over three years, we compared the efficacy of selective insecticides for reducing E. viteana populations to that of a standard broad-spectrum insecticide program. Response of non-target insects to the selective insecticide was also compared between these programs to determine whether parasitism and predator abundance increased compared to conventional broad-spectrum insecticides. Collections of infested berries during peak pest infestation periods revealed significantly greater mortality of E. viteana and significantly greater parasitism in vineyards receiving the selective insecticide program. Our results will be discussed in relation to how selective insecticides can be used to control this pest through direct and indirect mechanisms.

Species 1: Lepidoptera Tortricidae Endopiza viteana (grape berry moth)
Keywords: Methoxyfenozide, Grape

Poster (.pdf format, 160.0 kb)