Nilima Prabhaker, nilima.castle@ucr.edu1, S. J. Castle, scastle@wcrl.ars.usda.gov2, T. J. Henneberry2, and N. C. Toscano1. (1) University of California, any street, Riverside, CA, (2) USDA ARS, Western Cotton Research Laboratory, 4135 E. Broadway Road, Phoenix, AZ
Microencapsulated sex pheromone of codling moth was applied in ultra low volume applications to control this pest. In addition the use of several different insecticides were added to the pheromon eto enhance control. Results from these field trials will be presented.
Species 1: Hemiptera Aleyrodidae
Bemisia argentifolii (silverleaf whitefly)
Species 2: Hymenoptera Aphelinidae
Eretmocerus eremicusSpecies 3: Hemiptera Cicadellidae
Homalodisca coagulata (glassy-winged sharpshooter)
Keywords: Mating Disruption, Microencapsulated