David Taylor, dtaylor1@unl.edu1, Roger Moon, rdmoon@tc.umn.edu2, Alberto Broce, abroce@oznet.ksu.edu3, John Campbell, jcampbell1@unl.edu4, and Phil J. Scholl, pscholl@unlserve.unl.edu1. (1) USDA/ARS, Midwest Livestock Insect Research Unit, Rm. 305 Plant Industry Bldg, East Campus, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, (2) University of Minnesota, Department of Entomology, 1980 Folwell Ave, 219 Hodson Hall, St. Paul, MN, (3) Kansas State University, Department of Entomology, 123 West Waters Hall, Manhattan, KS, (4) University of Nebraska, Entomology, 461 W. Univ. Drive, North Platte, NE
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Species 1: Diptera Muscidae
Stomoxys calcitrans (Stable Fly)
Keywords: Fly dispersal