Tuesday, 16 November 2004

Area-wide migration of striped cucumber beetle and modifications used in its monitoring

Jeff Owens, fro1474@holly.colostate.edu and Whitney Cranshaw, Whitney.Cranshaw@Colostate.edu. Colorado State University, Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Ft. Collins, CO

Area-wide monitoring of striped cucumber beetle in a squash production area of northern Colorado demonstrated migration of over 2 miles readily occurs. Fields that had not been fall plowed also had far higher populations of striped cucumber during spring trapping than areas around non-plowed fields, suggesting tillage can greatly affect overwintering populations. A standard WCR cup trap was used for these studies with a Trece 8276 lure. However, the Multigard yellow-green sticky trap, without any lure, was equivalent in capture. Among the components in the 8276 lure only indole showed high attraction to striped cucumber beetle. However, the male aggregation pheromone produced by this species is far more attractive than any component tested in these trials.

Species 1: Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Acalymma vittatum (striped cucumber beetle)
Keywords: traps, dispersal

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