Monday, 15 November 2004

Diapause-related inhibition of Hsp70 expression in Rhagoletis mendax pupae exposed to heat stress

Luis Teixeira, and Sridhar Polavarapu. Rutgers University, Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research and Extension, 125A Lake Oswego Road, Chatsworth, NJ

We measured the respiration rate of blueberry maggot pupae to determine the beginning and end of pupal diapause. Hsp70 expression in response to heat stress was evaluated both before and after the respiration rate declined at the beginning, and increased at the end of diapause. Data showed that expression of Hsp70 in response to heat stress was inhibited during a period largely coincident with diapause.

Species 1: Diptera Tephritidae Rhagoletis mendax (blueberry maggot)
Keywords: diapause, Hsp70

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