Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 11:00 AM

Flybrella, a device to attract and kill house flies indoors

David A. Carlson, dcarlson@gainesville.usda.ufl.edu and Jerome A. Hogsette, jhogsette@gainesville.usda.ufl.edu. USDA-ARS, Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology, 1600 SW 23rd Dr, Gainesville, FL

FLYBRELLA describes a lightweight inexpensive trap that can be hung like an upside-down umbrella in prominent locations where the house flies rest. It consists of a perforated transparent tube that house flies were found to enter readily, containing a strip of rapid-acting sugar-based toxicant. An inverted plastic cone is attached to the backbone directly under the tube or bottle to collect house flies that feed, then fall directly down the tube. The cone collects and conceals the dead flies and may be easily emptied. Paired indoor tests with several attractant materials showed increased proportions of captured flies compared to the large fraction captured by the toxicant strip alone. Variants of this design were tested including a design with two concentric perforated baffles, and another with larger diameter tubing. The baffle with its toxicant strip may be removed and/or easily replaced. These devices are inexpensive, attractive in appearance, unobtrusive and may remain in place indefinitely.

Species 1: Diptera Muscidae Musca domestica (house fly)
Keywords: lure, sex pheromone, trap

[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

See more of Ten-Minute Papers, Section D. Medical and Veterinary Entomology
See more of Ten-Minute Papers, Section D. Medical and Veterinary Entomology

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