Wednesday, 17 November 2004

Using pheromone traps to predict pecan nut casebearer oviposition and nut entry

Mark Muegge, and Allen Knutson, Texas A&M University, Entomology, Airport Road, Fort Stockton, TX

The pecan nut casebearer (PNC) is a key pest that pecan producers must manage to prevent economic loss. Currently, pecan producers rely on pheromone traps to determine when to begin scouting for eggs and anticipate optimum treatment timing. Pheromone trap data; however, cannot aid in PNC management decision making. We investigated the use of moth capture data from pheromone traps to optimize the timing of scouting for eggs and nut entry by using degree days rather than calendar days. This study was conducted at 3 commercial orchards in far West Texas and 1 commercial orchard in central Texas in the spring of 2004. These sites represent the two major pecan producing regions of Texas. Thus, results from this study should be applicable to much of the pecan producing regions in Texas.

Species 1: Lepidoptera Pyralidae Acrobasis nuxvorella (pecan nut casebearer)
Keywords: pecan, degree day

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