Tuesday, 16 November 2004

Comparative analysis of European and Africanized honey bee brood pheromone profiles

Bradley N Metz, bmetz@tamu.edu, Tanya Pankiw, and Howard Williams. Texas A&M University, Entomology, 421 Heep Center, College Station, TX

Honey bee larvae produce a ten-component blend of fatty-acid esters called brood pheromone that modulates adult caste ratios and foraging ontogeny dependent on its concentration. The components of brood pheromone have been shown to vary by age. Here we quantify the change in component ratio as a function of larval age and compare our results from the European honey bee with the invasive Africanized race.

Species 1: Hymenoptera Apidae Apis mellifera (honey bee)
Keywords: brood pheromone, chromatography

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