Monday, 15 November 2004

Characterization of adipokinetic hormone and its receptor in Anopheles gambiae (Diptera)

Christian Urs Kaufmann,, University of Georgia, Entomolgoy, 120 Cedar Street, 413 Bioscience Building, Athens, GA

Previous work on the flight metabolism of female An. gambiae showed that not only carbohydrate was used for its flight, but also lipid. This result suggests that adipokinetic hormone (AKH) plays an important role in the regulation of flight metabolism in this mosquito. To study the endocrine regulation of nutrient metabolism we have identified and characterized genes for two AKHs and a putative AKH G protein coupled receptor (AKHR).Transcripts for the two AKHs and AKHR are present in larvae, pupae, and adults (female + male). With an AKH antibody and immunocytochemistry, cells in brain and each abdominal ganglion were immunostained. These results will enable further studies of AKH and its signaling before, during and after flight, oogenesis, and response to sucrose and blood meals.

Species 1: Diptera Culicidae Anopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito)
Keywords: AKH, Immunocytochemistry

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