Monday, 15 November 2004 - 8:30 AM

A phylogeny of the scorpionfly family Panorpidae (Mecoptera: Panorpidae)

Joshua Jones,, North Carolina State University, Entomology, Box 7613, Raleigh, NC and Michael F. Whiting,, Brigham Young University, Dept. of Integrative Biology, 401 WIDB, Provo, UT.

The family Panorpidae, with over 350 described species in three genera, is the largest of the families within the insect order Mecoptera. Past molecular studies have suggested that within Panorpidae, the large genus Panorpa is paraphyletic with respect to its sister genus Neopanorpa. We present here new molecular evidence that greatly strengthens this hypothesis, in the form of a topology obtained from analysis of over 7000 base pairs from seven genetic markers, including nuclear, mitochondrial, ribosomal, and protein-coding regions for 64 ingroup and outgroup taxa. Also, for additional comparison and to further investigate our results, we present documentary images of wing banding of represented species mapped onto our phylogeny. With few exceptions, wing-banding patterns appear to support our results. We also review previous species group hypotheses for the genus Panorpa and compare them to our topology.

Species 1: Mecoptera Panorpidae Panorpa (scorpionflies)
Species 2: Mecoptera Panorpidae Neopanorpa (scorpionflies)
Keywords: systematics

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