Monday, 15 November 2004 - 1:12 PM

FAS international pesticide use database

Yulu Xia, and Ronald Stinner, North Carolina State University, Entomology, Campus Box 7553, Raleigh, NC

An online database was developed to provide growers with the information relating to pesticide uses for export-oriented crops. Users can obtain pesticide use recommendations and the associated pesticide application restriction information by selecting several search items such as exporting country, crop name, pesticide type, and pre-harvest interval.

The relational database is composed of over 20 tables, and managed by SQL Server 2000. The user interface was developed by ColdFusion Markup Language.

Keywords: pesticide, database

See more of Ten-Minute Papers, Section F. Crop Protection Entomology
See more of Ten-Minute Papers, Section F. Crop Protection Entomology, Subsections Fa and Fb

See more of The 2004 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition