Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 2:12 PM

Response of subterranean termites to noviflumuron baits or fipronil-treated soil in an extended foraging arena

Nan-Yao Su, nysu@ufl.edu, University of Florida, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, 3205 College Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL

A laboratory group of subterranean termites were placed in a foraging arena of ca. 50 m long to study their response to noviflumuron baits or fipronil-treated soil. The study simulated impact of these treatments against field colonies of similar size.

Species 1: Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Coptotermes formosanus (Formosan subterranean termite)
Species 2: Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Reticulitermes flavipes (eastern subterranean termite)
Keywords: sentricon, termidor

[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

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See more of Ten-Minute Papers, Section F. Crop Protection Entomology, Subsections Fa and Fb

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