Monday, 15 November 2004 - 2:50 PM

How do private, urban universities make use of the model? Bridging the divide in a cooperative program between communication studies and the agricultural sciences in pursuit of international service learning opportunities

Kevin Sauter,, University of St. Thomas, Department of Communications, 2115 Summit Ave, St. Paul, MN

There is often a divide between students and professors in the sciences and those in the humanities as they each pursue application of their disciplines in service learning opportunities. A program in Mali (West Africa) brought together apparently disparate disciplines of Communication Studies and Entomology to produce a service learning project based on scientific identification of agricultural challenges, and creation of appropriate messages about solutions, that are produced and then distributed using communication technology. In 2004, Dr. Kevin Sauter (University of St. Thomas’ [UST] Communication Studies Department) and 3 other UST professors traveled to Mali (West Africa) with Dr. Florence Dunkel, Montana State University entomologist to discover what international service learning opportunities are available to liberal arts students in the challenging, agriculturally dependent environment. The nature of the agricultural needs became apparent through work of Dunkel, other MSU faculty, their students, and IPM CRSP Malian scientists, while application of communication technologies to assist with the dissemination of agriculture solutions were developed by Sauter and J. Steele. In 2005, students from UST (and partner land grant institutions) will engage in service learning projects in Mali based on combined scientific knowledge of the scientists and communication skills of liberal arts students. This presentation will detail how this cooperative venture evolved and how UST will be engaged in 2005.

Keywords: undergraduate education

[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

See more of Symposium: Committee on International Affairs / Committee on Youth and Education: Discovery-based Undergraduate Opportunities: Collaborative Research Support Programs
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