Larry Olsen,, Michigan State University, Department of Entomology, B-18 Food Safety and Toxicology Bldg, East Lansing, MI
The USDA/CSREES Regional IPM Centers provide leadership for stakeholder involvement, prioritization, funding and measurement of IPM adoption in agricultural and urban environments, and for environmental and worker safety issues. Through leadership provided by each Center, Steering and Advisory committees provide input on the IPM needs of their region. They have stakeholders representing diverse interests including universities, agencies, commodity groups, non-profit organizations. Centers use their resources to prioritize potential work areas, for example through Pest Management Strategic Plans where growers and industry leadership discuss issues, and prioritize the top research, education and regulatory needs. Priorities are also identified and submitted by Extension IPM coordinators, Steering and Advisory Committees, Working Groups and commodity groups. These priorities are used by industry, EPA/USDA, and university researchers to determine IPM issues to address. Each IPM Center uses a portion of their funds to organize and coordinate IPM at the state level, and provide competitive research and education grants. IPM Centers also have a small pool of resources to address emerging IPM issues and bring groups together to plan a response. The Centers manage the Regional IPM and Pest Management Alternative Program grants to help asddress regional IPM needs. Working Groups, either commodity or issue based, are funded through the IPM Centers to bring people together to develop IPM materials, programs, check-lists for IPM adoption and conduct surveys of IPM use and acceptance. The IPM Centers are evolving and working to increase IPM adoption, but cannot do this without support from their many partners.
Keywords: IPM
See more of Section E Symposium: Increasing IPM Adoption with IPM Centers: Mission Impossible?
See more of Section Symposia
See more of The 2004 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition