Wednesday, 17 November 2004 - 9:45 AM

Development of attract and kill for control of shoot and tip moths in forestry

Darek Czokajlo,, IPM Development Company, 4134 N Vancouver Ave, #105, Portland, OR

A pheromone-based attract and kill formulation, LastCall™ offers a sustainable, non-polluting, effective tactic for management of forest Lepidoptera. LastCall™ very selectively removes male moths of the target species from the ecosystem with negligible impact on non-target organisms. Baits combine the selectivity of pheromone (only 0.12 g/ha, compared to 3.5-20 g/ha for mating disruption) with rapid toxicity of insecticides (only 4.5 g/ha, compared to 500-800 g/ha for conventional sprays). LastCall™ EucosmAK is now registered for control of Western Pine Shoot Borer on ponderosa and lodgepole pine.

Species 1: Lepidoptera Tortricidae Rhyacionia frustrana (Nantucket pine tip moth)
Species 2: Lepidoptera Tortricidae Rhyacionia zozana (ponderosa pine tip moth)
Species 3: Lepidoptera Tortricidae Eucosma sonomana (western pine shoot borer)
Keywords: attracticide, forest IPM

[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

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