Tuesday, 16 November 2004 - 9:20 AM

Evolutionary patterns of mimicry complexes in bumble bees

Sydney A. Cameron, scameron@life.uiuc.edu and Heather Hines, hhines@life.uiuc.edu. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Entomology, 320 Morrill Hall, 505 S. Goodwin Ave, Urbana, IL

Mimicry, as defined by the dual hypotheses of Bates (1868) and M�ller (1879) that edible and inedible (repulsive) species gain a selective advantage by sharing similar color patterns, has been an exciting evolutionary theme since the last century�Darwin considered it one of the more convincing arguments in favor of natural selection. Through the following century, the theory generated considerable controversy, and arguments were put forth as evidence and counter-evidence. However, since Wickler�s (1968) eloquent synthesis of the underlying principles of mimicry, one could imagine that the subject is �done�. Far from it! We are just now in the position to shed true light on mimicry through recent research on phylogeny, genetics and development in natural populations. My lab has mapped the aposematic mimicry patterns in bumble bees worldwide, and with a phylogeny for the entire genus and worldwide distribution maps can demonstrate the multiple independent, convergent color patterns comprising M�llerian mimicry rings� intraspecific polymorphism allows additional tests of mimicry. The phylogenetic pattern allows insights into whether there are constraints on phenotypic variation in color pattern, and what they might be. We will address these questions in the symposium.

Species 1: Hymenoptera Apidae (bumble bee)
Keywords: mimicry

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