Saturday, 25 October 2003: 1:00 PM-6:00 PM

Hall B Foyer (Elm Street) (Convention Center (First Floor))


Registration for meeting attendees. For Facility and Supplier purposes, diagrams and descriptions are broken into 2 sets: I-Registration and II- Affiliates Registration. SATURDAY SCHEDULE: 6:00a-8:00a...Decorator installs registration. 8:00a-9:00a...Computers, phones, internet, electricity, etc. installed 9:00a-11:00a...ESA sets up registration area. 11:00a-12:00n...CVB Personnel and LAC Senior registation staffer is trained by ESA staff. 12:00n-1:00p...Student volunteers trained by ESA staff, CVB personnel, and LAC Sr. Staffer. (2p, 1 shift from 12:00n-6:30p) 1:00p-6:00p...Registration open. 6:00p-6:30p...Cleanup, counting, lock down. 6:00p-6:30a...Security on site at registration.

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