Monday, 27 October 2003: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

203-211 (Convention Center (Second Floor))

Symposium: Student Debate in Urban Entomology

Organizer(s): Matthew O'Neal
Thomas Eugene Reagan
8:00 AM0258Urban pest managers (including areas of public health, structural, turf and ornamentals, stored products, etc.) can use IPM practices as modeled for pest management in agroecosystems
(PRO) University of Kentucky, (CON) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8:50 AM0259Urban pest abatement should be mandatory when insect transmitted disease threats to human health (i.e. West Nile virus) are documented
(PRO) Virginia Tech, (CON) Pennsylvania State University
9:40 AM0260Elevating Urban Entomology to a formal section within the Entomological Society of America will better address the unique entomological problems that impact the urban setting
(PRO) Louisiana State University, (CON) University of Georgia
10:30 AM0261The current requirements for registering pesticides for use by home-owners are suitable for all areas of urban entomology, including schools
(PRO) University of Nebraska-Lincoln, (CON) University of Arkansas

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