Undergraduate students in agriculture and related fields at U.S. institutions lack understanding of agriculture in developing nations and awareness of career opportunities using creative combinations with international dimensions. This program of internships and externships strengthens entomology and other agricultural science programs through synergistic collaborations between undergraduate education and USAID-funded Collaborative Research Support Programs (CRSPs) in developing nations. We linked IPM CRSP research in Mali with undergraduate instruction at four Land Grant institutions, including a tribal college, a network of private institutions and a rural middle school in Montana. Interns (on campus) and Externs (in Mali) currently work 1:1 with their mentor in environmental toxicology, natural products, bio-based pest management, agricultural extension, environmental law, sustainable economic development, participatory assessment, documentary production, or IPM. For rapid results dissemination of participatory, on-farm IPM research, students / mentors designed a set of several poster series. Each series consisted of 15 to 18 colored posters with culturally appropriate figures and designs. The reverse side of each poster had process information or ID technique in farmers’ native language, English, and French. Designs / translation were approved by scientists and Malian farmers who did the on-farm research. Peace Corps Volunteers (26) are being trained to disseminate this IPM information within Mali (to potentially 1000 to 2000 producer families per year).
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