Monday, 27 October 2003 - 2:36 PM

This presentation is part of : Student Competition Ten-Minute Papers, Cc, Insect Vectors in Relation to Plant Disease, Cf2, Quantitative Ecology, and F1, Crop Protection Entomology

Influence of the surrounding landscape on incidence of the aphid-transmitted viruses potato virus Y and potato leafroll virus in seed potato

Matthew Carroll, Ian V. MacRae, David W. Ragsdale, and Edward B. Radcliffe. University of Minnesota, Department of Entomology, 1980 Folwell Avenue, 219 Hodson Hall, St. Paul, MN

Epidemiology of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY) is closely tied to the population dynamics of aphid vectors and the presence of virus inoculum. Our hypothesis is that local landscape ecology influences the composition and abundance of potential virus vectors near seed potato fields. We used Multispectral Landsat-7 data to investigate how the surrounding cropping landscape influences the incidence of PVY and PLRV in seed potatoes in the Red River Valley over a three-year period. Crop and non-crop habitats adjacent to seed potato lots were spectrally classified and digitally mapped using ERDAS Imagine Professional image analysis software and the geographic information system ArcGIS. Habitat types were verified on the ground and associated with their respective spectral signatures. Levels of PLRV and PVY for each seed lot were obtained from annual, mandatory seed certification tests for potato diseases. Correlations between habitat types, associated aphid vectors and seed lot rejection for virus were used to develop maps that predict the risk posed to seed potato lots by various habitat types.

Species 1: Homoptera Aphididae Myzus persicae (green peach aphid)
Keywords: remote sensing

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