Tuesday, 28 October 2003

This presentation is part of : Display Presentations, Section Eb. Regulatory and Extension Entomology - Regulatory

The phytosanitary alert system of the North American plant protection organization

Hilary Hill1, Woodward D Bailey1, Heather M. Hartzog1, Rob Favrin2, Sergio Garzon3, and Olegario Barrera3. (1) USDA-APHIS-PPQ, Center for Plant Health Science and Technology, 1017 Main Campus Drive Ste 2500, Raleigh, NC, (2) Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 3851 Fallowfield Rd, Nepean, ON, Canada, (3) Direccion General de Sanidad Vegetal, Guillermo Perez Valenzuela No. 127, Mexico City, Col. Del Carmen, Coyoacan, Mexico

The need for the expeditious dissemination of pest information has become increasingly apparent in the pest exclusion efforts of plant protection services both in North America and worldwide. Globalization, increased international trade, and the threat of bioterrorist activities continue to drive these efforts towards finding better ways to defend our borders from exotic pests that are environmentally or economically damaging. The North American Plant Protection Organization Phytosanitary Alert System (PAS), http://www.pestalert.org, is a user friendly, readily accessible, and ever-evolving repository of information for pests of significance to North America. The PAS provides users with a filtered and accurate source for pest news stories, pest alerts and official notifications.

Keywords: alert system, pest exclusion

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