Genetic maps are fundamental for localization of genes conferring resistance to greenbug feeding damage in sorghum. 13 linkage groups (LGs) were mapped with a total of 60 SSR loci using a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) obtained from the cross, 96-4121 (greenbug resistant parent) X Redlan (greenbug susceptible parent). The LGs spanned 480 cM distance with number of loci per LG varying from 2 to 14. 17 additional SSR loci remained unlinked at log of odds (LOD) value of 3.0. Chlorophyll loss occuring after greenbug feeding, visual damage ratings and tolerance indices were recorded on the RILs and the parents used in the cross. Results from quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using simple, composite, multiple interval mapping methods and single marker analysis will be presented. Identification of QTL influencing greenbug resistance will not only facilitate marker assisted selection (MAS) breeding programs but also provide a solid foundation for detailed characterization of individual loci implicated in greenbug resistance in sorghum.
Species 1: Homoptera Aphididae Schizaphis graminum (greenbug)
Keywords: genetic mapping
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