Monday, 27 October 2003 - 1:00 PM

This presentation is part of : Student Competition Ten-Minute Papers, Cd3, Behavior and Ecology

Use of olfactory cues for nest recognition in the solitary bee Osmia lignaria Say (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)

Christelle N. Guédot1, Theresa L. Pitts-Singer2, Jordi Bosch1, and William P. Kemp2. (1) Utah State University, Department of Biology, Logan, UT, (2) USDA-ARS, Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Logan, UT

The use of olfactory cues for nest recognition by the solitary bee Osmia lignaria Say was studied in a greenhouse in Logan, UT during spring 2003. Two greenhouse sections were planted with Phacelia tanacetifolia. Both sections contained an observation room. Twenty-five glass tubes were suspended perpendicularly from the central wall of each observation room for bees to use as nesting cavities, so that in-nest behavior could be observed. Each glass tube had been cut into 3 sections: an outer section (2 cm) opening to the greenhouse, a middle section (4 cm), and an inner section (8 cm) plugged at the end. Females were marked for individual identification. We observed that nesting females drag their abdomen along the tube before exiting, sometimes depositing tiny fluid droplets from the tip of the abdomen. During manipulations we recorded the behavior exhibited by tested females upon arrival to the nesting site and inside the nesting tubes. Three treatments were conducted in which we removed and replaced by similar clean glass tube sections: 1) the outer section; 2) the middle section; 3) both sections. As control treatments we removed the outer or middle sections and placed them back in the same position. The confusion and hesitation displayed by females returning to nests after non-control treatments clearly indicate the presence of some olfactory cue used for individual nest recognition. The presence of chemical compounds was confirmed using gas chromatography. This is the first time abdominal secretions are identified for individual nest marking in Osmia.

Species 1: Hymenoptera Megachilidae Osmia lignaria (blue orchard bee)
Keywords: olfactory cues, nest recognition

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