Monday, 27 October 2003

This presentation is part of : Display Presentations, Section Cf. Quantitative Ecology

The role of time in determining lepidopteran species diversity in eastern deciduous forests

Jonathan K. Kahn and David J. Horn. The Ohio State University, Entomology, 103 Jennings Hall, 1735 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH

Several factors such as patch size, season, and plant diversity are known to influence lepidopteran diversity, however, the role time plays in community fluctuation is poorly understood. An understanding of the effects of time is critical in determining adequate sampling protocols for assessing lepidopteran species diversity. We examined a data set from a five year black light study in Wayne Nation Forest in Vinton County, Ohio to determine how diversity varies over time in order to establish an appropriate sampling plan for future studies.

Species 1: Lepidoptera
Keywords: species diversity, time

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