Mexico occupies the 6th place in the world as a citrus-producing country and Tamaulipas a northeastern state provides 436,524 ton of fruit annually. Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ash.) the Citrus rust mite (CRM) is the most severe mite pest on citrus, this specie diminish fruit production and quality. The main objectives of this study were determine the type the spatial dispersion of P. oleivora was determined in 450 leaf sample, comprising 7200 leaves of 15 random selected trees. Ro determine the consistency of the results several models, i.e. Taylor’s power law, Iwao’s regression techniques, Morisita’s Index, Green’s coefficient were used to contrast the type of spatial dispersion.
These models generally revealed a clumped dispersion for the mite on both leaf surfaces, as well as both tree sections. Citrus rust mite preferred the upper leaf surfaces and interior sections of the tree. The mean size of a clump was calculated.
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