Monday, 18 November 2002

This presentation is part of : Display Presentations, Subsection Cc. Insect Vectors in Relation to Plant Disease

Identifying genes from adult glassy-winged sharpshooters, Homalodisca coagulata (Say) ( Homoptera: Cicadellidae)

Wayne B. Hunter1, M.G. Bausher1, Phat M. Dang1, Heather Costa2, J.X. Chaparro1, Robert G. Shatters1, C.L. McKenzie1, and Xiomara Sinisterra1. (1) Horticultural Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS, 2001 South Rock Road, Fort Pierce, FL, (2) University of California, Department of Entomology, Riverside, CA

The severe impact of Pierce’s Disease upon the U.S. grape industry has generated the need to rapidly understand the epidemiology of this disease. The primary insect vector is a leafhopper, the glassy-winged sharpshooter, GWSS. Our objectives are to develop environmentally friendly, sound management programs to reduce the spread of Pierce’s Disease. Producing cDNA libraries of the GWSS has resulting in a vast amount of information being generated by examining the genes being expressed within adults feeding on citrus. Over 9,000 sequences were generated, from adult GWSS collected from citrus in a California grove. The gene sequences forming the top 10 contigs and their putative functions are listed. Information on the library cDNA population dynamics is provided.

Species 1: Homoptera Cicadellidae Homalodisca coagulata (glassy-winged sharpshooter)
Keywords: Pierce's disease, cDNA expression library

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