Wednesday, 20 November 2002

This presentation is part of : Display Presentations, Section B. Physiology, Biochemistry, Toxicology, and Molecular Biology

A physically based genetic map of the Hessian fly

Jeff Stuart1, Susanta Behura1, and Fernando H. Valicente2. (1) Purdue University, Department of Entomology, Smith Hall, West Lafayette, IN, (2) EMBRAPA, Sete Lagos, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Two characteristics of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, make its genetic analysis important. First, it shares a gene-for-gene relationship with its host plant, wheat (Triticum spp.), whereby single major Hessian fly resistance genes in wheat are made ineffective by mutations in complementary avirulence genes in the Hessian fly. Secondly, like other gall midges, the Hessian fly has an unusual sex determination mechanism whereby females usually produce unisexual families. To map the genes responsible for these traits on the polytene chromosomes of the Hessian fly, an AFLP-based genetic map was constructed. The physical positions of the markers on this map were then determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of the markers to the Hessian fly polytene chromosomes. Five avirulence genes and the locus controlling sex determination have been placed on the resulting map indicating their relative positions on the Hessian fly polytene chromosomes.

Species 1: Diptera Cecidomyiidae Mayetiola destructor (Hessian fly)
Keywords: avirulence genes, sex determination

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