Monday, 18 November 2002

This presentation is part of : Student Competition Display Presentations, Section A. Systematics, Morphology, and Evolution

Molecular systematics of the subfamily Ponerinae: A phylogenetic study of tribe-level relationships

Gary D. Ouellette1, Derek Girman1, and Brian Fisher2. (1) Sonoma State University, Department of Biology, East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, CA, (2) California Academy of Sciences, Entomology Department, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA

Ants are considered one of the most ecologically and numerically dominant groups of oraganisms found in almost every terrestrial habitat. However, historical relationships among Formicidae are currently poorly understood. The subfamily Ponerinae is considered relatively primitive among Formicidae. DNA sequence data from multiple loci will be used to investigate relationships among the subfamily Ponerinae with emphasis on higher-level phylogeny. The focus of the study is to determine tribe-level relationships. The resulting phylogeny will have broad effect shedding light on the evolution of important traits within ants.

Species 1: Hymenoptera Formicidae
Keywords: Ponerinae

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