Monday, 18 November 2002 - 10:12 AM

This presentation is part of : Ten-Minute Papers, Section E. Extension and Regulatory Entomology and F. Crop Protection Entomology

Determination of economic threshold level and economic injury level for the application of botanicals against a sucking pest Rice brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)

J. Alice R. P. Sujeetha and M. S. Venugopal. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Department of Agricultural Entomology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Under laboratory condition Monocrotophos spray recorded an yield loss of 8.0 per cent, the predicted Economic injury level (EIL) and Economic threshold level (ETL) were 18.0 and 12.3 Brown plant hopper (BPH) / hill. The estimated values varied with plant products. At 10 BPH / hill density, Neem seed kernel extract (NSKE - 5%) and neem oil (3%) recorded yield loss of 10.5 and 16.1 per cent, predicted injury and threshold levels were 20.3 and 13.5 BPH / hill for NSKE (5%) and 24.7 and 13.5 BPH / hill for neem oil (3%). Under field condition, yield loss varies from 11.3 to 20.4 per cent due to different treatments. Monocrotophos recorded a minimum yield loss at 10 BPH / hill density level. EIL and ETL for NSKE (5%) application was 16.5 and 9.0 respectively and 19.0 and 14.0 BPH/hill for neem oil (3%) application.

Species 1: Homoptera Delphacidae Nilaparvata lugens (rice brown plant hopper, Pugayan (Tamil Name))
Keywords: botanicals

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