Monday, 18 November 2002 - 10:36 AM

This presentation is part of : Ten-Minute Papers, Section D. Medical and Veterinary Entomology

Adventures of a Navy entomologist

Carl W. Doud, Navy Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit Seven, US Navy, Navy Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit Seven, PSC 812 Box 3540, FPo, AE, Italy

A summary of two recent US Navy entomology-related preventive medicine projects are presented as well as a summary of services performed at the author’s current duty location. A synopsis is provided of a humanitarian assistance project carried out in Suriname, South America, which consisted of assistance to the Surinamese Ministry of Public Health in its implementation of a national malaria control program. Also outlined is the US Navy’s West Nile virus surveillance program, which is managed at the Navy Disease Vector Ecology and Control Center in Jacksonville, FL. Finally, medical entomology services provided overseas from the Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit of Sigonella, Italy are summarized.

Species 1: diptera culicidae Anopheles darlingi
Keywords: malaria, West Nile virus

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