Wednesday, 20 November 2002 - 11:12 AM

This presentation is part of : Ten-Minute Papers, Subsection Cc. Insect Vectors in Relation to Plant Disease, Cf. Quantitative Ecology

A temperature-driven developmental model for predicting the seasonal activity of the cereal aphid, Schizaphis gramimum, in Middle Egypt

Ahmed Abdu Hamed Amin and Mortada Ahmed Ali. Plant Protection Research Institute, ARC MOA, Department of Entomology, 7, Nady El-Sayied Street, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

Field studies conducted during two wheat growing season of (2000-2001) in Banie Swief Governorate, Middle Egypt to detect field population of Cereal Aphids, Schizaphis gramimum. Field generation numbers, thermal heat units required and life table parameters were estimated. The Cereal Aphids, Schizaphis gramimum was found to have 6 generations during wheat growing season that extended from December to April. Generations occurred at an average of 94.45±1.272 The lower threshold was 8.88 oC. The intrinsic rate of increase was varied according to each generation .

Species 1: Homoptera Aphididae Schizaphis graminum (Cereal Aphid)
Keywords: Prediction

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