Wednesday, 20 November 2002 - 1:30 PM

This presentation is part of : Insect Control: Do It Yourself Homeowner. But How?

Dead turf, grubs, and varmints: The great homeowner mystery!

Dave Shetlar, Entomology, The Ohio State University, Entomology, 1991 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH

Many home owners are mystified by the damages that occur in their lawns. Unfortunately, commercials on radio and television by lawn care product suppliers, "mythologies" commonly perpetuated by lawn care specialists, and even misinformation in university-based fact sheets do not help the home owner make informed decisions. Mole activity is most commonly associated with grub populations when the moles are actually feeding on earthworms. Lawns damaged by billbugs are misdiagnosed as being disease or sod webworm attacks. Lawns with roughstalk bluegrass, Poa trivialis, infestations have patches of this turf turning brown in hot weather. This can be mistaken for insect attack, especially white grubs. Better diagnostic aids are needed for the home owner as well as lawn applicators and garden center employees.

Keywords: Lawns, Diagnosis

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