Wednesday, December 12, 2001 -

Attract and kill formulations in South African citrus and subtropical fruit pest management

Christopher V. Sack1, John McLaughlin2, Philipp Kirsch2, Gerhard Booysen3, and Darek Czokajlo2. (1) SUNY, ESF, Chemistry, 1 Forestry Dr, Jahn Hall, Syracuse, NY, (2) IPM Technologies, 8508 Swarthmore, Raleigh, NC, (3) Insect Science S.A, 32 John Smith St, Avis Park, Tzaneen, South Africa

A novel plant based attractant bait is effective in management of three species of Ceratitis fruit flies: Mediterranean frui fly (Medfly, C. capitata), Natal fruit fly (Natal fly, C. rosa), and Marula fruit fly (Mango fruit fly, C. cosyra) in South African citrus. Caratitis fruit flies were well controlled in replicated field trials in citrus and mango. This multispecies activity also presents a very useful new tool for regulatory agencies involving in monitoring and control activities. In paralell trials, false codling moth (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) was controlled with a novel sex pheromone + insecticide formulation. This poster presents results form the experimental program targeting all four species.

Species 1: Diptera Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
Species 2: Diptera Ceratitis rosa (Natal fruit fly)
Species 3: Diptera Ceratits cosyra (Marula fruit fly, mango fruit fly)
Keywords: Attract & Kill, control, host/plant attractant, Medfly, fruit flies, false codling moth

The ESA 2001 Annual Meeting - 2001: An Entomological Odyssey of ESA