The flight of western corn rootworm (WCR) adults over a soybean field was monitored by collecting flying beetles from the top of 10 m tall scaffolding towers. Other collections were made at 1 m above the soybean field, in the soybean plant canopy, in adjacent cornfields, and in malaise traps along the soybean field margin. Newly-mated females comprise the vast majority of movers at 10 m above soybeans. High elevation flight activity peaks at midmorning and just before dusk. High elevation flight occurs as a "pulse" following the onset of WCR mating and ends approximately a week after the peak of mating activity in corn. Dissection and gut content analysis revealed recent feeding patterns and female mating status.
Species 1: Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Diabrotica virgifera (western corn rootworm)
Keywords: mating, crop rotation
The ESA 2001 Annual Meeting - 2001: An Entomological Odyssey of ESA