Wednesday, December 12, 2001 -

Pheromone production in the boll weevil as influenced by diet

Hugh P. Young, USDA ARS, APRMU, USDA ARS APMRU, 2771 F&B Rd, College Station, TX and Dale W. Spurgeon.

The effects of diet quality on pheromone production by the male boll weevil were examined. Pheromone was collected from headspace air and feces of individual male boll weevils on various diets and analyzed by gas chromatography. Newly-eclosed males were provided with fresh cotton tissue and a water wick. Either squares or bolls were provided, and for each food type, either large or small (younger or older) tissues were presented. Fresh material was provided daily from greenhouse plants. After a 3-day maturation period, 24-hour pheromone production was sampled on days 4 - 6 post-eclosion, and males were then dissected for evaluation of the fat body, gut, and reproductive status. The relationship of pheromone production to the diet provided is discussed.

Species 1: Coleoptera Curculionidae Anthonomus grandis grandis (boll weevil)
Keywords: pheromone, diet quality

The ESA 2001 Annual Meeting - 2001: An Entomological Odyssey of ESA