Vine mealybug is a newly introduced pest of grapes in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV). We studied the population dynamics of vine mealybugs in raisin and table grapes. There were 5-6 generations of mealybugs per year. Anagyrus pseudococci parasitized almost 90% of the mealybugs by the harvest time. However, such percent parasitism rate in Coachella Valley is much lower than in SJV, perhaps this must be due to a longer host exposure time to A. pseudococci in SJV.
Species 1: Homoptera Pseudococcidae Planococcus ficus (vine mealybug)
Species 2: Hymenoptera Encyrtidae Anagyrus pseudococci
Keywords: biological control, population dynamics
The ESA 2001 Annual Meeting - 2001: An Entomological Odyssey of ESA