Monday, December 10, 2001 - 2:36 PM

Colony founding in termites: The function of stored protein reserves

Matthew Johnston and Diana Wheeler. University of Arizona, Department of Entomology, 410 Forbes Bldg, Tucson, AZ

When founding new colonies, termite alates must feed the first batch of brood since very young termites are incapable of feeding. However, during this time period, the alates themselves do not feed (in the case of many soil-nesting species) or feed on wood which is very low in protein (many wood-nesting species). Demand for protein is high while availability in the environment is low. This study investigates how different termite species use protein stored in the fat body during colony founding. Comparisons are made between soil-nesting and wood-nesting species.

Species 1: Isoptera Kalotermitidae Marginitermes hubbardi
Species 2: Isoptera Termitidae Gnathamitermes perplexus
Species 3: Isoptera Termitidae Tenuirostritermes tenuirostris
Keywords: hexamer, parental care

The ESA 2001 Annual Meeting - 2001: An Entomological Odyssey of ESA