We observed significant overall treatment effects for Bogr at AS (p=0.017) as well as for Stco at ESG (p=0.021). To determine the effects of CO2 enrichment, warming and irrigation had on plant phenology, we ran a pairwise comparisons test to isolate treatment effects. We found a significant CO2 effect (p=0.047) for Stco at ESG, suggesting water savings resulting from reduced stomatal conductance permitted Stco to persist later into the growing season. Additionally, a heating effect was evident for both Bogr (p=0.032) and Stco (p=0.042) at AS, where AS was initiated earlier in the growing season. Lastly, a significant irrigation effect was detected for Bogr at AS where those individuals treated with a shallow, more frequent irrigation regime set seed earlier in the season than those exposed to less frequent, deep irrigation treatments (p=0.028). These results indicate that seed production is largely mediated by warmer temperatures and water additions. It is likely that changes in temperature and CO2 concentrations will influence soil moisture and seedling recruitment, which may alter the structure of plant communities. Intraspecific seed production also varied according to interactive treatment effects where plants occurring in non-irrigated plots flowered less frequently than those that were exposed to either a deep or shallow irrigation regime. Shifts in species abundance may adversely affect organisms that depend on certain species (i.e. cattle) for forage.