Invasive plant species are a widespread issue that threaten native ecosystems. A native to
Activated carbon did not alter the competitive outcome between the two plant species, suggesting that allelopathy may not have been a major contributor to the competitive effect of A. altissima on L. tulipifera. Also, there was no indication of genetic variation between source populations in competitive ability of A. altissima. A strong negative competitive effect of A. altissima on the biomass of L. tulipifera was observed with respect to the effect of intraspecific competition on L. tulipifera (1-way ANOVA, competitor identity main effect, p<0.0001). Despite strong evidence for allelopathy in lab and grafting experiments, A. altissima’s competitive effect on L. tulipifera does not appear to rely on allelochemicals. While genetic variation in competitive ability was not found in this study, using a greater number of genotypes sampled across a larger range might have yielded different results. This research increases the understanding the role of a specific mechanism in the competitive ability of A. altissima, and how competition could impact a co-occurring native species.