North Central Branch Annual Meeting Online Program

Ph. D. Plant-Insect Ecosystems I

Monday, June 4, 2012: 9:15 AM-12:00 PM
Regents F (Embassy Suites)

9:15 AM
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) biomass response to simulated insect defoliation
Fatima Mustafa, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Muhammad Irfan Ullah, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Robert Mitchell, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; W. Wyatt Hoback, University of Nebraska - Kearney ; John E. Foster, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
9:27 AM
Effects of cover crop and extended rotation on insect taxa and plant disease pressure
Mike W. Dunbar, Iowa State University ; Aaron J. Gassmann, Iowa State University ; Matthew E. O'Neal, Iowa State University
9:39 AM
Seasonal patterns in generalist predator trophic interactions based on molecular gut-content analysis
Julie A. Peterson, University of Kentucky ; Kacie J. Athey, University of Kentucky ; Eric G Chapman, University of Kentucky ; James D. Harwood, University of Kentucky
9:51 AM
Interactions of biological control, host plant resistance, and seed treatment in soybean aphid management
Thelma Heidel, University of Minnesota ; David W. Ragsdale, Texas A&M University
10:03 AM
Spatial pattern of Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) nymphs on tomato plants
Diego F. Rincon, The Ohio State University ; Luis A. Caņas, The Ohio State University ; Casey W. Hoy, The Ohio State University
10:15 AM
The pentatomid hunters: molecular tracking of predation on stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in cotton and soybeans
Kacie J. Athey, University of Kentucky ; John R. Ruberson, University of Georgia ; James D. Harwood, University of Kentucky
10:27 AM
Validation of a nested error component model to estimate damage caused by corn rootworm larvae
Nicholas A. Tinsley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ; Ronald E. Estes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ; Michael E. Gray, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
10:39 AM
Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Leptinotarsa decemlineata) diapause phenology and neonicotinoid resistance in Wisconsin
Anders Huseth, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Russell L. Groves, University of Wisconsin-Madison
10:51 AM
Evaluating selected yield parameters of glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet varieties subjected to sugar beet root aphid (Pemphigus betae Doane) infestation
R. J. Pretorius, University of Nebraska - Lincoln ; Jeff Bradshaw, University of Nebraska - Lincoln ; Gary Hein, University of Nebraska - Lincoln